Monitoring JNDI Objects

You can use show User EXEC level commands to monitor and validate the configurations and status of JNDI objects stored on the Solace PubSub+ event broker:

Viewing JNDI Connection Factory Configurations

To show the configuration of a Connection Factory object in the Solace JNDI store, enter the following User EXEC command:

solace> show jndi connection-factory <name> [message-vpn <vpn-name>] [with <property-name> <property-value>] [detail]


<name> is the full name of the Connection Factory object, or part of the object name with the wildcard character ? used to represent one character of the name, or the wildcard character * used to represent zero or more characters of the name, where entering only the wildcard character * for the name displays all Connection Factory objects.

message-vpn <vpn-name> is the name of the Message VPN the object belongs to

with <property-name> asks to show all Connection Factory objects containing the indicated defined property name, as displayed through the show jndi schema connection-factoryUser EXEC command (for example, physical-name)

with <property-value> asks to show all Connection Factory objects containing the indicated property value, in hierarchical notation (for example, ‘a/b/c’)

detail asks to show detailed Connection Factory object information


solace> show jndi connection-factory /jms/cf/default message-vpn VPN_blue detail

Connection Factory : /jms/cf/default
Message VPN : VPN_blue
  messaging-properties : 5
    default-delivery-mode        : persistent
    text-msg-xml-payload         : true
    default-dmq-eligible         : false
    default-eliding-eligible     : false
    xa                           : false
  transport-properties : 17
    connect-timeout              : 30000
    read-timeout                 : 10000
    reconnect-retries            : 3
    reconnect-retry-wait         : 3000
    keep-alive-enabled           : true
    keep-alive-interval          : 3000
    keep-alive-count-max         : 3
    send-buffer                  : 65536
    receive-buffer               : 65536
    tcp-no-delay                 : true
    direct-transport             : true
    compression-level            : -1
    port                         : -1
    optimize-direct              : false
    msg-callback-on-io-thread    : false
    connect-retries-per-host     : 0
    connect-retries              : 0
  ad-properties : 6
    send-ad-window-size          : 255
    send-ack-timer               : 2000
    send-max-resends             : 15
    receive-ad-window-size       : 18
    receive-ack-timer            : 1000
    receive-ack-threshold        : 60
  deliver-to-one-properties : 4
    subscriber-local-priority    : 1
    subscriber-network-priority  : 1
    deliver-to-one               : false
    deliver-to-one-override      : true
  dynamic-endpoint-properties : 2
    dynamic-durables             : false
    respect-ttl                  : true
  client-properties : 2
    client-id                    :
    client-description           :

Viewing JNDI Objects

To show the type and configuration of an object in the Solace JNDI store, enter the following User EXEC command:

solace> show jndi object <name> [message-vpn <vpn-name>]


object <name> is the full name of the object (partial names or wildcard characters used to represent one or more characters of the name are not supported).

message-vpn <vpn-name> is the name of the Message VPN the object belongs to


solace> show jndi object t/lions
Topic : t/lions
Message VPN : blue
  physical-name : animals/lions

Viewing JNDI Queues

To show the configuration of a Queue object in the Solace JNDI store, enter the following User EXEC command:

solace> show jndi queue <name> [message-vpn <vpn-name>] [with physical-name <property-value>] [detail]


queue <name> is the full name of the Queue object, or part of the object name with the wildcard character ? used to represent one character of the name, or the wildcard character * used to represent zero or more characters of the name, where entering only the wildcard character * for the name displays all Queue objects.

message-vpn <vpn-name> is the name of the Message VPN the object belongs to

with physical-name <property-value> asks to show all Queue objects with the indicated physical name, in hierarchical notation (for example, ‘a/b/c’)

detail asks to show detailed Queue object information


solace)# show jndi queue *

JNDI name            Message VPN          physical-name
-------------------- -------------------- ------------------------------------
q/marker/orders      blue                 orders
q/market/news        blue                 news

Viewing JNDI Summaries

To show a summary of the JNDI client service and object status, enter the following User EXEC command:

show jndi summary [message-vpn <vpn-name>]


message-vpn <vpn-name> is the name of the Message VPN that the JNDI service is provided in


solace> show jndi summary

Message                             Client               Total
VPN                                 Access  Conn Fact    Topics    Queues
--------------------------------  --------  --------- --------- ---------
blue                              Disabled          1         2         1

Viewing JNDI Topics

To show the configuration of a Topic object in the Solace JNDI store, enter the following User EXEC command:

solace> show jndi topic <name> [message-vpn <vpn-name>] [with physical-name <property-value>] [detail]


topic <name> is the full name of the Topic object, or part of the object name with the wildcard character ? used to represent one character of the name, or the wildcard character * used to represent zero or more characters of the name, where entering only the wildcard character * for the name displays all Queue objects.

message-vpn <vpn-name> is the name of the Message VPN the object belongs to

with <property-name> asks to show all Topic objects containing the indicated defined property name, as displayed through the show jndi schema topicUser EXEC command (for example, physical-name)

with physical-name <property-value> asks to show all Topic objects with the indicated physical name, in hierarchical notation (for example, ‘a/b/c’)

detail asks to show detailed Topic object information


solace> show jndi topic t/lions

JNDI name            Message VPN          physical-name
-------------------- -------------------- ------------------------------------
t/lions              blue                 animals/lions