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Pharmaceu cal companies have always needed to efficiently produce and deliver effec ve, affordable treatments in an efficient manner, and today that need is complicated by pressure to deliver these results in a more person- alized way. "Precision medicine" is the new normal, and it makes supply chain visibility, improving the speed and outcomes of R&D, and the ability to keep up with agile upstarts cri cal to success. To meet these needs, this company decided to implement a digital transforma on project that consisted of migra ng from SAP ERP to SAP 4/HANA and aggrega ng the massive amounts of informa on they collect from factories, labs, clinical trials, genomic profiling, supply chain, and much more. Why They Chose Solace With its ght integra on with SAP technology, Solace was a natural fit for this company's digital transforma on. Connec ng their global data centers and SAP deployments with an event mesh enabled them to aggregate and process their massive amounts of data from R&D, supply chain, and manufacturing to yield the results they needed: the right treatment, for the right pa ent, at the right me. How They Benefited This company benefited by being able to be er reuse informa on across their enterprise, which improved the efficiency and effec veness of their R&D efforts. Real- me data access is also helping them implement personalized healthcare by enabling them to use advanced analy cs to help caregivers make be er therapeu c decisions for each pa ent. This European pharmaceu cal and biotech leader offers differen ated medicines in numerous fields from oncology to in vitro fer liza on and everything in between. They have a global footprint of labs, factories and offices supported by regionalized datacenters. Their Challenge This company generates incredible amounts of data between clinical trials, lab tests, genomic profiles, and manufacturing, and needed a way to aggregate informa on across datacenters so they could process it. They also needed to modernize their SAP infrastructure. How Solace Helped Solace helped to link this company's global data centers using an Event Mesh, helping them aggregate and process data at scale. By using PubSub+ Event Brokers at every level, informa on could move around the organiza on in real- me, allowing for unprecedented data u lity. Pharma Leader Unlocking the Next Genera on of Personalized Medicine FAST FACTS