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Real-Time Awareness is Key to Success With a wide range of brands produced and distributed interna onally, the company has countless interac ons with suppliers, retailers and consumers every day, in addi on to those between business units. The company realized they needed to be er connect that ecosystem so they could improve situa onal awareness, responsiveness and decision-making to accelerate innova on and tap into new opportuni es. To succeed, they had to respond to business events containing mul ple pieces of informa on sourced from mul ple applica ons. This required adop ng an event-driven architecture powered by a fast, scalable and sophis cated event broker. Why they Chose Solace A er evalua ng market-leading products in the space, the company determined that PubSub+'s capabili es — including event mesh, guaranteed delivery, event replay, security of data at rest and in mo on, content-based filtering/rou ng, protocol transforma on, opera onal monitoring, resilience, and tracking and billing — were cri cal to its digital transforma on. How they Benefited Real- me MDM Distribu on A master data management (MDM) system serves as the company's "single source of truth," but because they distributed MDM data using request/reply interac ons, it ended up out of sync across their ecosystem. Now PubSub+ event brokers publish new MDM data once and it's automa cally disseminated everywhere it's needed so vendor and price lists remain current at all mes. A Founda on for Growth The team responsible for distribu ng data within the company is engaging with teams across the organiza on to asses their needs and help them align with the strategic goal of adop ng event-driven architecture. Consumer packaged goods company can monitor and respond to key business events in real time. FAST FACTS This CPG giant's products include food and beverages, cleaning supplies, and beauty and personal care. Their Problem The Company wanted to add event- driven capabili es to their digital business technology pla orm so they could capture, analyze and respond to business events in real me. How Solace Helped The company used PubSub+ event brokers in its datacenters and public clouds to create an event mesh that adds real- me streaming capabili es to its Hybrid Integra on Pla orm (HIP), complemen ng the request-driven API- led approach it's used to date. IN THEIR WORDS "We evaluated various product vendors that offer event-driven capabili es and real- me event stream processing capabili es and found Solace PubSub+ to be the best fit for our purposes and key digital business requirements." LEARN MORE Customer Success Story