Case Studies

Customer Success Story: C3 Post Trade

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The Challenge They Faced The post trade processing environment is complex, with a wide range of systems and rela onships that need to be con nuously managed. C3's formula for success is agility, innova on, and the flawless delivery of technology services for a common set of use cases. Over me C3 had been upgrading their architecture to meet the demands of a growing customer base while maintaining agility and cost efficiencies. Exis ng components in their Microso technology stack, while great for ini al stages of growing the system, couldn't keep up as their business grew. C3 recognized the value of microservices-oriented applica on design and event-driven architecture, and chose to replace their exis ng messaging service with PubSub+ Event Broker so they could leverage modern messaging pa erns and implement event-driven architecture in the future. Why They Chose Solace C3 wanted to improve the availability of their system and their ability to recover from disasters by replica ng messages across datacenters. They wanted a messaging layer that could be easily deployed, managed, and scaled, and that supported event-driven communica ons between old and new technologies, on-premises and in the cloud. They also wanted to achieve, and give their customers, a more complete, real- me view of data being processed, along with the health and performance of their system. How They Benefited C3 improved customer experience by gaining the ability to distribute workload across machines so they can process more data in parallel, which lets their system process trades more quickly. They also improved the availability of their system and enabled replica on of messages to a remote datacenter so they can quickly fail over to a second site for business con nuity and disaster recovery. C3 Post Trade sets themselves up to meet needs of growing market with an event mesh FAST FACTS C3 Post Trade helps hedge funds, asset managers and investment banks around the world more effec vely conduct post trade processing so they can ensure the accuracy of all trades, and quickly address any errors. Their Challenge As C3's business grew, so did the load on the messaging infrastructure their system was built on. Over me it became clear that to scale that system they would need to upgrade their messaging infrastructure to a more powerful solu on that offered be er resilience, visibility and scalability. How Solace Helped C3 replaced their messaging layer with PubSub+ Event Broker, and uses it to connect the numerous applica ons and services that make up their post trade se lement pla orm. In Their Words "We looked at Ka a and Confluent, and found the technology to be too complex to deploy. We found Solace PubSub+ to be the best solu on for streaming analy cs, and selected it to become the backbone of our pla orm." Customer Success Story

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