In this Post

    Solace delivers product updates for our PubSub+ Platform twice per year to keep you abreast of the exciting new features and capabilities that have just released, or that are coming in the next 3-6 months.  What makes a Product Update different is that it is one part technical and one part edutainment!  Super easy to consume. Lots of topics. Rapid fire. And some cool polls we share in the Q&A.

    Of course, this isn’t the only way that customers can stay in the loop and we welcome any and all to reach out to their Solace customer success managers, salespeople, sales engineers, or just their friendly neighborhood Product Manager if they are interested in an in-depth, and customized review of the roadmap for the PubSub+ Platform.

    Connect & Integrate: Cloud Managed Micro-Integrations

    We live in a world of more. More applications, more locations, more data, more expectations and now more intelligence. All of this, “more” is making things more complicated and so traditional methods of connecting applications is being strained.

    Micro-integrations are a decoupled and asynchronous event driven method to help organizations meet this challenge.  By taking this approach, you move connectivity and integration to the edges of an event driven core.  This allows you to liberate data from the systems of record, to stream and filter them to all the target systems in real time, and with access that is democratized and governed.

    Connect & Integrate: Cloud Managed Micro-Integrations

    By moving the Micro-Integrations to the edge, they become like microservices that are small, single in purpose and decentralized – and now cloud managed!  Easy to deploy for Solace Cloud Managed customers from directly inside their PubSub+ Cloud Console.

    Learn about Micro-Integrations and see a demo of the new Cloud Managed capabilities:

    demo of the new Cloud Managed capabilities

    AI and the Event Mesh

    Artificial Intelligence as a generalized concept has been around for years, but with the first publicly available LLM, it has shifted into overdrive.  Enterprises have moved from their first LLM use through Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) and, in a few cases, to fully AgenticAI systems at a record pace.  Everyone is at different stages of deployment from PoC to full production and as things scale and change, challenges need to be overcome. These are not unique and we have seen similar challenges with transitions in technical shifts in the past.

    AI and the Event Mesh - Solace

    This is where the event mesh shines. It provides the decoupling needed for rapid development and change and it delivers on the event driven architecture that allows for rate mismatch, messaging patterns, and the efficiency needed to scale horizontally across different applications. When you apply an event mesh to AI use cases, you have a different set of needs that can be groups into use cases. The event mesh lets you combine the necessary data sources (including real time operational data) with the necessary micro-integrations, giving you an efficient and scalable way to deliver on RAG requirements.

    An agent mesh is one where you go a step further into a framework that includes agents, gateways and orchestration to enable truly autonomous AgenticAI systems that can manage requests by purpose and not name to deliver the best results with the lowest overhead.

    If you are an AI professional then all this jargon will be second nature to you. If not, then don’t worry, this walk through and demo breaks it down and then shows the power of an agent mesh in a complex architecture that is easily integrated using an event mesh to deliver results that are simple for the end user…and in an interface they are familiar with.

    Watch this video for an overview demonstration of an AgenticAI system with an event mesh at its core:

    video for an overview demonstration of an AgenticAI system with an event mesh

    Access & Govern: Self Service Event Access, APIM and Schema Registry

    Self Service Event Access

    Under the category of Access and Govern we delivered three different announcements.  The first is a new capability in PubSub+ Event Portal to allow your data owners to set the data governance rules as it relates to access to events.  Once events are published as available in PubSub+ Event Portal, developers can then begin to build applications that consume them – but only once they have received approval to access the event and at what topic level.

    Self Service Event Access - Solace Event Portal

    Unified API Management

    The world needs democratized access to event data and event APIs expose this in a common catalog where developers can see RESTful APIs and Event APIs.  The flow is pretty amazing.  The producers go into PubSub+ Event Portal to manage the EventAPIs. They are federated across the organization in a single catalog where developers can find and access all their APIs in one place.

    The exciting part here is also a bit of a preview of a joint presentation we are doing with Gravitee at the EDA Summit – you won’t want to miss that demonstration so checkout to register.

    Schema Registry

    A schema registry ensures compatibility between the data that is being produced and consumed.   This is critical for data governance by ensuring quality and consistency across your organization. It also makes it a lot easier on developers to maintain compatibility as things change. Here we are  introducing the new Schema Registry feature coming in January 2025 as a beta for customers that manage their own PubSub+ Event Brokers and later, as a cloud managed offering that is fully part of PubSub+ Event Portal to integrate design time and run time in a very elegant solution.

    Schema Registry feature - Solace

    See how PubSub+ Event Portal makes it easy to manage data access request/approval tasks plus some details on APIM and a new schema registry:

    PubSub+ Event Portal makes easy to manage data access request/approval tasks


    Becoming event driven at scale isn’t just about a great platform but also about your organization’s readiness to adopt EDA at scale. Solace has re-organized its service offerings around what you and your teams are doing, and this overview will help you understand how we can help you get from your first pilot applications to achieving ROI at production volumes.

     Solace Services

    See all about how Solace Essential and Advanced Support Subscriptions help customers.

    Solace Essential and Advanced Support Subscriptions

    Rob Williamson
    Rob Williamson

    Rob has over 20 years of experience with product management and marketing in the technology industry. His public activities include writing, presenting and blogging on subjects as varied as enterprise architecture, software development tools, cyber-security and DNS. An avid product marketer who takes the time to speak to IT professionals with the information and details they need for their jobs.