Tibco EMS
docker pull solace/solace-pubsub-connector-tibcoems
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Tibco EMS

The Solace PubSub+ Micro-Integration for Tibco Enterprise Messaging Service (EMS) bridges data between the Solace PubSub+ Event Broker and EMS providing a flexible and efficient way to integrate EMS application data with your Solace-backed, event-driven architecture and the Event Mesh. It connects to EMS via the Tibco-provided JMS provider*.

This 2-way integration is configured via “workflows” in your Micro-Integration instance. A workflow is a source-to-processing-to-target data pipeline configured within the Micro-Integration runtime. Each workflow (you can have up to 20 defined per Micro-Integration instance), defines a source (e.g. PubSub+ queue), any header processing necessary for the target, and a target destination (e.g. an EMS queue/topic). When active, events will stream across these Workflows.

Features & Use Cases

The connector is available as:

  • A runnable package based on a Java JAR file including a start script
  • A container image suitable for running in a container runtime such as Docker or Podman

The PubSub+ Connector for Tibco EMS is a “self-contained connector” from Solace. All self-contained connectors share a common architecture and provide a number of enterprise services to the connectors such as:

  • A local management server accessible over HTTP(s) and JMX exposing endpoints for:
    • Health check
    • Metrics monitoring
    • Log file access
    • Workflow adminstration (start & stop workflows)
  • A common set of configuration options for:
    • logging – log levels, log file size, archive and rollover rules, appenders to export to other log services
    • security setup for management endpoints – authentication and authorization to the endpoints, TLS for HTTPS endpoints
  • Various runtime deployment options:
    • Standalone
    • Active_Standby – for redundancy (you can have more than 1 standby instance)
    • Active_Active – for horizontal scaling (where the source of data will support multiple active consumers such as a non-exclusive queue in PubSub+)

*  The connector does NOT ship with the JMS provider JAR(s) necessary to connect to EMS. These are proprietary to Tibco and must be supplied by the customer in the Connector environment under the licensing terms of Tibco.

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