Digital transformation requires a new way to do business

Enabling new cloud-native technologies, modern microservices, the IoT and mobile devices can be challenging. Integrating them with legacy apps and infrastructure even more so.

And getting all these different apps and devices to interact in an event-driven architecture, reliably, securely, and in real-time? Does ‘daunting’ even describe that?

But that’s exactly what your enterprise must enable if it wants to be responsive to internal stakeholders and to customers, today and in the future.

Digital transformation requires a shift to event-driven architectures and thinking, and for large enterprises with large legacy estates, a modernization of messaging infrastructure.

Solace PubSub+ is an advanced event broker designed for the event-driven, hybrid cloud architectures of the modern enterprise.

Hybrid cloud is an end-state; enterprises need to be thinking beyond transition.

How will they maintain, adjust and grow their hybrid cloud infrastructure for the event-driven future?

Shawn Mcallister

Shawn McAllister

CTO, Solace

Hybrid Cloud Messaging

Solace PubSub+ works with the runtime environments, app servers, and enterprise service buses that make up your infrastructure today, so you can link existing assets to the cloud, and easily migrate them if you decide to do so.

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You can also use your favorite tools to accelerate and automate the development, testing and production deployment of PubSub+ into hybrid cloud systems. We upload our APIs into language-specific repositories and package managers like Maven Central, NuGet and NPM, and PubSub+ works with Ansible, Bosh, Chef and Puppet so you can easily provision servers that include PubSub+ event brokers.

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Hybrid Cloud with any cloud

PubSub+ lets you pick the clouds that are right for you while enabling the flexibility to change your strategy as technologies and markets develop.

We’ve partnered with providers of leading IaaS and PaaS technologies, along with the major public cloud providers, so you can seamlessly connect applications running in a diverse set of private clouds, public clouds and on-premises.

Solace has developed a robust library of connectors to link on-premises legacy applications with cloud-native services in a low-code/no code fashion, This includes native integration between our event broker and cloud native services in GCP, AWS and Azure using REST and more robust connectors for Kafka, Apache Beam, Databricks, Apache Spark, and the AWS API Gateway.

PubSub+ is itself available as a cloud service: PubSub+ Cloud

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Hybrid Cloud Use Cases

Hybrid Cloud

Migrating on-premises functional workloads to cloud

It would be nice if you could truly lift-and-shift workloads to the cloud without rearchitecting applications for their new environments. Because PubSub+ event broker works both on premises and in the cloud, you don’t need to rewrite event routing when the application is rehosted, just point it to the local event broker in the cloud, which will ensure all events are dynamically routed to where they need to go.

Enhancing on-premises applications with cloud-native services

You may have years invested in core systems of record that will never be suitable for cloud hosting but may need to exchange data with traditional datacenter resources, newer workloads deployed in the cloud, SaaS services, or other third-party services. Solace has all the integrations in place to make it possible to get data and events out of legacy systems to wherever they need to go – and back – in a low-code/no-code fashion.

Faster application development

If your DevOps team is using cloud resources to build an application for speed and simplicity and low cost, you can use Solace PubSub+ software brokers in any public or private cloud environment. Then when you move the application back to an on-premises datacenter when in production for security or other reasons, you can simply lift and shift it and point it to a local PubSub+ broker without having to rewrite the event routing.

Enabling cloud-to-cloud integration

If you’re adopting a multi-cloud architecture, our event mesh extends into all of the popular public clouds, both within their public compute resources, as well as within the virtual private clouds offered by those providers, either using our software or our SaaS offering. We also connect to many of the popular cloud native services, like Databricks, Apache Spark and others.

Event-driven Microservices

If you’re decomposing monolithic applications into microservices, you need an event broker underpinning your architecture to make it work. If those microservices are distributed across cloud and on-premises environments, the broker needs to be able to connect to those microservices no matter where they are hosted or how they are run, including on prem, in public or private clouds, Spring, Kubernetes, OpenShift, or as a Dell Boomi Atom. In every case, PubSub+ has you covered with native deployments or integrations all connectable with an event mesh, and will support the easy movement of microservices, as required.

The three key areas of digital transformation

Watch our CEO Denis King discuss digital transformation with Alastair Greener of The Telegraph:

The three key areas of digital transformation

The event-driven future is here

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