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Enhance and extend AWS apps and services with a messaging platform that spans hybrid and multi-cloud environments.

PubSub+ integrates your entire application ecosystem, including microservices, SaaS offerings, cloud services, legacy apps, mobile devices, and IoT devices.

Enhance and extend AWS apps and services with a hybrid and multi-cloud messaging layer

PubSub+ Event Broker runs natively in any and all environments, as a service, software or purpose-built appliance, and you can link brokers to form an event mesh that enables dynamic event streaming across all your applications, systems and devices.

Learn More About Event Mesh


  • Accelerate application development
    Don’t waste time learning and coding to different messaging APIs.
  • Reduce bandwidth and cloud egress costs
    Control data movement through dynamic topics and without sacrificing performance.
  • Connect Anything
    Build and integrate easily with a multi-protocol and multi-purpose system.
  • Improve performance and reliability
    Realize better throughput and take advantage of support for all message patterns and features like replay.
  • Simplify your architecture and messaging
    Unified open standards on one platform bring an end to building bridges between different services and technologies.

Customer Success Stories

Global Airline

One of the world's leading airlines is event-enabling interactions across their entire operation and ecosystem of suppliers and service providers. They are doing so by using PubSub+ to capture events and stream them everywhere they need to be. This lets them break down silos of applications and information, and evolve from batch-oriented interactions to event-driven streaming.

Among other things, this lets them easily integrate AWS services with on-premises systems so they can easily build sophisticated workflows and do things like update ground staff rosters in real-time when a given flight is boarding slowly.

Smart Transportation Project in Asia

The sensors on a city bus continuously publish MQTT messages that contain their location as a set of coordinates. With Amazon Simple Notification Service you need to code pre-determined topics into publisher and subscriber applications, and you're limited to 200 filter policies per region. With 5,500 buses constantly sending messages with changing topic destinations, it was obviously impossible to build a solution for bus tracking with AWS SQS/SNS or EventBridge.

With PubSub+ this transportation agency can aggregate and filter actionable location data from all of their buses in real-time, then process it on-premises and in the AWS cloud to make real-time decisions that optimize passenger experience, schedule adherence, and asset utilization.

How it Works

Solace provides a low code/no code solution that uses AWS CloudFormation Templates to automate the configuration of AWS infrastructure, including VPC endpoints and an AWS API gateway. With that done, you can deploy a PubSub+ broker into AWS, link its REST delivery point with the AWS VPC endpoint, and set up message queues and subscriptions to incorporate it into the event mesh that spans your hybrid cloud infrastructure. All scripts, templates and instructions are available through GitHub.

Quick Start Guides

These solace Quick Start guides help developers to implement Solace PubSub+ event brokers in Amazon Web Services cloud computing platform.

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Deploy in an AWS
High Availability Group

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