Kubernetes makes application deployment fast and easy by providing set of automated features including the deployment of stateless applications. To utilize Kubernetes to manage deployment of complex stateful applications and provide lifecycle management we need to make use of the Kubernetes Operator.

Solace’s Kubernetes Operator aka Solace PubSub+ Event Broker Operator manages Kubernetes and Solace PubSub+ Event Broker deployment via Kubernetes api, allowing the event broker to be managed in a declarative fashion.

Solace’s operator is provisioned to provide simple one command deployment of our event brokers in HA and non-HA environments. This makes deployment and lifecycle management even easier and has additional support to enable Prometheus monitoring.

Key Features

  • Automates broker upgrades
  • Automates deployment repairs
  • Provides status of the deployments


  1. Kubernetes API – This connects the operator to the Kubernetes management.
  2. Customer Resource Definition (CRD) – This is a YAML file that identifies what the operator manages to Kubernetes.
  3. Application Interface – Pulls information from and makes changes to the application.
  4. Controller – Control loop to listen for the declarative state requests for the CRD from the K8S API, plan the state changes for the application, activate these changes in the application, validates application state and provides application state to Kubernetes.

Below is an example YAML file of the PubSub+ Event Broker CRD:

apiVersion: pubsubplus.solace.com/v1beta1
kind: PubSubPlusEventBroker
name: non-ha-standalone-example
spec: redundancy: false

Operational Overview

  1. PubSub+ Broker Custom Resource Definition (CRD) provided to K8s API
  2. Kubernetes API requests about the custom resource directed to Solace Operator
  3. Operator pulls state
  4. Operator makes changes based on declarative API
  5. Solace reports state

Where to get the PubSub+ Kubernetes Operator

The operator is available in Operator Hub for easy install. The below codelab will show you how to install the operator directly from the manifest file and deploy an event broker instance.

Codelab Steps:

  1. Overview
  2. Prerequisites
  3. Environment Setup
  4. Install Solace PubSub+ Event Broker Operator
  5. Install Solace PubSub+ Event Broker
  6. Test Solace PubSub+ Event Broker Deployment
  7. Takeaways

To learn more, check out our Operator’s User Guide.

Shweta Mazumder

Shweta is a part of Solace's core product management meam, mainly focusing on core system features and broker orchestration. She brings an array of technical expertise gained from working on various middleware and business intelligence platforms in the retail and financial industries. Shweta enjoys interior design and likes to create virtual interior design models in her free time.