Note: In September 2019, Pivotal changed the name of Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) to Pivotal Platform.
On May 30, Solace Senior Architect Jonathan Schabowsky explained how messaging and microservices work with Pivotal Cloud Foundry as part of a Brighttalk webinar. He provided a great introduction to the concept of microservices and then dove into the details of architectural considerations.
As part of that he covered how Platform as a Service (PaaS) makes it easier to deliver on the microservice promise by eliminating some of the distractions that app developers face while providing a “deploy anywhere” capability. But, as Jonathan covers, “deploy anywhere” comes with its own headaches around communication and data movement.
Jonathan dug into a comparison of REST and other open protocols, like AMQP and MQTT. One of his comments (often mentioned in technology) refers to the fact that not everything is a nail to the REST hammer. Fortunately, we find out that there are a lot of different tools available in the Solace toolbox. You can find even more on microservices on the Solace dev site and find code, demos and more examples on the Labs site and Github repositories.
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