
To address declining revenue from traditional voice SMS-based business, XL had embarked on a journey toward data-led business. Their digital transformation saw them adopt initiatives such as an Open API framework to make it easier to connect with partners and modernization of their analytics infrastructure from non-real time to real time processes to drive a more targeted and personalized customer experience.

This shift in business strategy put new pressure on their IT infrastructure, which was built around TIBCO BusinessWorks and EMS. They were experiencing operational issues related to the performance limits of EMS, long fail-over times, and lack of support for protocols such as AMQP, MQTT, and REST, directly to the messaging backbone. Lastly, to support a shift toward cloud and Kubernetes, they needed real-time integration between multiple cloud and on-premises environments.


With its ability to integrate diverse cloud and on-premises apps via a wide range of protocols, Solace PubSub+ serves as a centralized platform that digests transaction data and disseminates it to systems that need it in an event-driven manner.

Since they’ll be linking systems running on Anthos GKE on-premises, in the cloud, and in their private AWS VPC in Singapore region, they valued Solace’s dynamic message routing (DMR) capability which automatically streams information to everywhere it’s needed, across environments, no matter what.


By enabling real-time event streaming between legacy systems on-premises and microservices in the cloud, Solace technology helps is helping XL deliver a more real-time and personalized customer experience through an app called MyXL that increases customer engagement and revenue creation.

They are also using Solace technology to integrate partners’ applications into their business processes and decision making.

XL Axiata is one of the top two mobile telecoms in Indonesia, offering data communication, broadband Internet, mobile communication and 4G services.

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