Robust Support for AMQP 1.0 Standard and Development of an Open Source API
Demonstrates Commitment to Supporting Community-Based Evolution of Standard
Editor’s Note: The VMR (Virtual Message Router) mentioned in this release is now Solace PubSub+.
Ottawa, Ontario, November 2, 2017 – Solace, the leading provider of open data movement technology, announced today several developments in its campaign to support the rapidly accelerating market adoption of Advanced Message Queueing Protocol (AMQP) 1.0, an open standard for passing business messages between applications and organizations. AMQP frees companies from vendor lock-in at the data distribution layer by providing a standards-based way of reliably transmitting information between diverse applications within and between enterprises, powering microservices, and feeding process and analytics engines the information they need.
“As more companies migrate applications to cloud and hybrid environments, more people are realizing how important it is to eliminate the risk of lock-in so they can maintain complete flexibility in their distributed application infrastructure,” said Solace CTO Shawn McAllister. “That’s why the time is right for mass adoption of standardized messaging protocols and APIs as companies stream real-time data between applications and enterprises, and AMQP is the natural choice for inter-application messaging, much like MQTT has emerged as the protocol of choice for the Internet of Things.”
Solace has added support for AMQP 1.0 to its Virtual Message Router product, enabling customers to easily send and receive messages via any message exchange pattern or quality of service. With this addition, Solace offers the only enterprise-grade multi-protocol message broker that supports AMQP, JMS, MQTT, REST and WebSocket. To help users implement AMQP messaging with its Virtual Message Router (which can be downloaded for free at Solace’s AMQP 1.0 support has been verified with many open source APIs including those for Apache QPID, JMS 1.1, JMS 2.0, Node.js and Python to ensure ease of use and broad application choice.
“Building on open source and open standards is a key characteristic of the SAP Cloud Platform offering,” said Christoph Liebig, head of strategic product management for SAP Cloud Platform at SAP. “This helps our customers and partners to leverage open ecosystems and knowledge. SAP Enterprise Messaging, SAP’s messaging-as-a-service on SAP Cloud Platform, is key for creating resilient and performant cloud applications. We’re pleased to see open standards like AMQP also evolving here and are also planning to support AMQP 1.0.”
“The increasing popularity of AMQP 1.0 has been a key enabler of the revolution that is sweeping the air traffic management industry as part of what’s called System Wide Information Management or SWIM,” said John Bernard, Business Development Lead, Harris Air Traffic Management. “SWIM is all about the simple, secure, standardized exchange of information between the diverse applications that support aircraft and airport operations, and will be a key step to leveraging IoT to empower aviation. The degree to which Solace has embraced AMQP 1.0 has helped Harris’ customers in the aviation industry improve air safety, operational efficiency and passenger service, and generally encourages innovation by making it easier to get information where it’s needed.”
In addition to supporting AMQP in its own products, Solace is leading the development activities within the Apache ActiveMQ community to create a .NET Message Service (NMS) API that will make it easy for .NET developers to send and receive messages in a similar way to the popular Java Messaging Service (JMS) API. This new NMS API will use the AMQP 1.0 protocol and will be interoperable with most AMQP 1.0 message brokers and AMQP 1.0 APIs in many other languages. The NMS API, which is under open development, will be supported by robust documentation and tutorials that help developers get started. Interested parties are encouraged to view the work in progress at and to contribute to its development within the Apache community.
Support for AMQP in the Solace Virtual Message Router and the 3500 series of Solace Message Router Appliances is generally available now.