Membership Extends Company’s Commitment to Delivering Leading-Edge Technology to the Financial Services Sector
Ottawa, Canada, September 25, 2008 – Solace Systems, the leading supplier of high-speed, low-latency content networking hardware, today announced it has joined the Financial Information Forum (FIF), an organization formed to address technology implementation issues in the financial services industry.
“The FIF is pleased to add Solace to our rapidly expanding group of vendors and end-users of financial technology, ” said Manisha Kimmel, Executive Director for FIF. “With over 60 contributing members, FIF seeks to analyze and improve the securities market in order to maximize efficiency and performance. Solace Systems is a welcome addition to our growing association.”
As a member of the FIF, Solace will work to promote innovation in financial network architecture to help financial organizations compete in a global market. Solace hardware enables solutions including ultra-low latency market data distribution, smart order routing, complex event pre-processing and more in an easy to manage, lower cost of ownership form factor.
“Joining the FIF provides us with an opportunity to contribute to and collaborate with the financial services community as it moves though a phase of technology renewal, ” said Bill Jackes, Solace’s vice president of financial markets. “We are committed to working as a trusted partner to all financial organizations during this process and look forward to helping foster a culture of innovation.”
Founded in 1996, FIF addresses the issues that impact financial technology operations and development in light of rapid changes occurring in the marketplace. Through committees and active working groups, FIF provides a collaborative environment for broker dealer, vendor and exchange members to benefit from technology, regulatory and market innovations.