In this Post

    With the Solace Micro-Integration Generator for MuleSoft Anypoint Studio installed, you can browse the data inside your PubSub+ Event Portal Designer, viewing applications, events, schemas, event APIs and more, and can even generate entire working skeleton proejcts! Watch this video for an overview!


    Configure a new Update Site, pointing to the latest release hosted at

    Help → Install New Software…

    Add a new site

    Site details: 

    Select site and install plugin


    Once installed, you will need to configure a few user preferences. Before you do, you will require an API token from the PubSub+ Event Portal.

    Log into PubSub+ Event Portal

    Log into PubSub+ Event Portal. Click on the “user” icon in the bottom-left corner, and select Token Management.

    Tick every “Read” option

    Select every checkbox under the “Read” Column, all the way down the page.

    Create the Token

    Once you create the token, copy the long string either to the clipboard or to a file.

    You are now ready to configure the plugin.

    Window → Preferences

    Click on ‘Solace PubSub+’

    Copy your Token from PubSub+ Event Portal

    Give your token a name, based on your organization. This is not an identifier, but a human-readable string for your benefit. Copy the long token string into the obscured field.
    If you access the web Event Portal SaaS using SSO, you may need to update the “URL for web portal” with a different URL than the default

    Apply and Close. You are now ready to use the Event Portal plugin.

    Load the PubSub+ Event Portal data

    Click the green “play” button ▶ to load Event Portal data. Depending on how much data is inside the organization, this may take some time.

    Browse the various objects. Double-click to fully expand a section of the tree. Right-click on any object to see what context-specific actions are available. For example, versioned Applications and versioned Event APIs can generate skeleton starter proejcts.


    This is not an officially supported Solace product. For more information try these resources:

    Jesse Menning

    As an architect in Solace’s Office of the CTO, Jesse helps organizations of all kinds design integration systems that take advantage of event-driven architecture and microservices to deliver amazing performance, robustness, and scalability. Prior to his tenure with Solace, Jesse was an independent consultant who helped companies design application infrastructure and middleware systems around IBM products like MQ, WebSphere, DataPower Gateway, Application Connect Enterprise and Transformation Extender.

    Jesse holds a BA from Hope College and a masters from the University of Michigan, and has achieved certification with both Boomi and Mulesoft technologies. When he’s not designing the fastest, most robust, most scalable enterprise computing systems in the world, Jesse enjoys playing hockey, skiing and swimming.