Learn the advantages and risks of three messaging migration strategies so you can choose the one that best suits your needs.
Solace is a top-rated event broker on Gartner Peer Insights, with the highest number of reviews by verified users.
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Why replace TIBCO EMS with
Solace PubSub+ Event Broker?
Solace PubSub+ Event Broker was built with modern enterprise architecture practices and requirements in mind. With our technology you can:
- Build modern applications without getting locked-in to particular vendors or technologies.
- Expand and modernize with confidence with connectors for popular cloud services, streaming technologies, and integration technologies.
- Embrace reliability and scalability with proven HA and DR capabilities.
- Experience 5X the performance on the same underlying hardware.
Comparing Solace vs. TIBCO
118 billion messages a day. That’s over 1.3 million messages a second. 24 hours a day. That’s huge volume, and we do all that completely seamlessly without any data loss.”
It’s Simple to Switch!
Many leading enterprises have successfully switched from TIBCO EMS with our help, so we’ve got approaches, best practices, and tools available that can streamline your TIBCO EMS migration process. Here are some resources to help you: