
PubSub+ Event Broker

PubSub+ Event Broker is a robust and versatile messaging system that enables real-time communication between applications and devices. It enables the exchange of data across various systems and protocols with high throughput and low latency, and was developed to support hybrid- and multi-cloud systems.


TIBCO Enterprise Message Service (EMS) is an established messaging middleware built on the JMS standard that facilitates communication between distributed applications. It offers basic publish/subscribe messaging capabilities, but many businesses find the aging software lacking in areas such as scalability, flexibility, and cloud migration.

Solace is a top-rated event broker on Gartner Peer Insights, with the highest number of reviews by verified users.
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Why replace TIBCO EMS with
Solace PubSub+ Event Broker?

Solace PubSub+ Event Broker was built with modern enterprise architecture practices and requirements in mind. With our technology you can:

  • Build modern applications without getting locked-in to particular vendors or technologies.
  • Expand and modernize with confidence with connectors for popular cloud services, streaming technologies, and integration technologies.
  • Embrace reliability and scalability with proven HA and DR capabilities.
  • Experience 5X the performance on the same underlying hardware.

Comparing Solace vs. TIBCO

Solace PubSub+ Event BrokerTIBCO EMS
Throughput (persistent)Software: 55K msgs/sec
Appliance: 5.5M msgs/sec
Software: 3K-5K msgs/sec
(Appliance discontinued)
Throughout (direct)Software: 1.8M msgs/sec
Appliance: 29M msgs/sec
Software: 30K msgs/sec
Disaster Recovery time<20 secondsMinutes to hours
Patterns, Protocols, & Quality of Service
Publish / Subscribecheckcheck
Non-Persistant / Best-Effortcheck
Persistent / Guaranteedcheckcheck
XA Transactionscheckcheck
Other Features
Run in CloudNativelyOnly in VM or Kubernetes
Robust Security (SSL; TLS)checkcheck
End-to-End Observabilitycheck
Message Replaycheck
Low-code/No-code GUIcheck
Dynamic routing with WAN optimizationcheck
Active-active DRcheck
Fine-grained routing and filteringcheck
HA Fault Tolerance without any 3rd party dependenciescheck
DR setup without any 3rd party dependenciescheck
DR – Topic level sync or async replication (rather than all or nothing spool level)check
Fully Managed SaaScheck

118 billion messages a day. That’s over 1.3 million messages a second. 24 hours a day. That’s huge volume, and we do all that completely seamlessly without any data loss.”

Joshua Carroll, RBC

Josh Carroll

Managing Director, Global Head of Shared Application Services, RBC Capital Markets