
With the rapid increase of coronavirus (COVID-19) cases around the world, we at Solace wanted to share the steps we are taking to ensure the support and welfare of our employees, customers and partners:

Solace is acting to ensure robust operations throughout this serious and evolving situation. 

Solace has a Covid-19 task force, which is meeting regularly to ensure the safety and well-being of our employees and the ongoing support of our customers and partners. 

We recognize that our products and services are critical to our customers’ success, and that this depends first and foremost on the health of our employees. 

In line with recommendations from the World Health Organization, Centers for Disease Control and local authorities, we are taking steps to reduce our exposure to infection and to limit Solace personnel from potentially contracting or spreading COVID-19. These measures include a work from home policy for all employees outside of our manufacturing center and a few R&D employees, eliminating travel to and from high-risk countries and eliminating non-essential travel. 

Where possible, customer meetings and events will be carried out remotely through the month of March and into the future, if necessary. 

Solace is well prepared for a work from home scenario and expects minimal to no impact to our product delivery roadmap, our service delivery where remote is possible and our support of our products and services. 

We will continue to provide updates and information as this fast-changing situation continues to evolve.  Customers and partners are encouraged to reach out for more information on how Solace is handling the COVID-19 outbreak by sending inquiries to 

We will update this page frequently to keep you informed of any changes.  

I would like to thank you for your continued support and personally reassure you that Solace remains fully committed to your success. 

Denis King
Chief Executive Officer