Himanshu Gupta
As one of Solace's solutions architects, Himanshu is an expert in many areas of event-driven architecture, and specializes in the design of systems that capture, store and analyze market data in the capital markets and financial services sectors. This expertise and specialization is based on years of experience working at both buy- and sell-side firms as a tick data developer where he worked with popular time series databases kdb+ and OneTick to store and analyze real-time and historical financial market data across asset classes.
In addition to writing blog posts for Solace, Himanshu publishes two blogs of his own: enlist[q] focused on time series data analysis, and a bit deployed which is about general technology and latest trends. He has also written a whitepaper about publish/subscribe messaging for KX, publishes code samples at GitHub and kdb+ tutorials on YouTube!
Himanshu holds a bachelors of science degree in electrical engineering from City College at City University of New York. When he's not designing real-time market data systems, he enjoys watching movies, writing, investing and tinkering with the latest technologies.