
Jonathan Schabowsky

Field CTO

As Solace’s Field CTO, Jonathan helps companies understand how they can capitalize on the use of event-driven architecture to make the most of their microservices, and deploy event-driven applications into platform-as-a-services (PaaS) environments running in cloud and on-prem environments. He is an expert at architecting large-scale, mission critical enterprise systems, with over a decade of experience designing, building and managing them in domains such as air traffic management (FAA), satellite ground systems (GOES-R), and healthcare.

Based on that experience with the practical application of EDA and messaging technologies, and some painful lessons learned along the way, Jonathan conceived and has helped spearhead Solace’s efforts to create powerful new tools that help companies more easily manage enterprise-scale event-driven systems, including the company’s new event management product: PubSub+ Event Portal.

Jonathan is highly regarded as a speaker on the subject of event-driven architecture, having given presentations as part of SpringOne, Kafka Summit, and API Specs conferences. Jonathan holds a BS Computer Science, Florida State University, and in his spare time he enjoys spending time with his family and skiing the world-class slopes of Utah where he lives.


The Benefits of Microservices Choreography vs Orchestration

For Architects
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Event-Driven Architecture Demands Event Lifecycle Management

For Architects

Companies generally have a good experience when applying EDA to their first use case, but run into challenges when they aim to add more use-cases or reuse existing events. These challenges are caused by the lack of a...

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API Management, Meet Event Management

Products & Technology
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Francisco Mendez VilasSchabowsky

Replicating the Success of REST in Event-Driven Architecture

Products & Technology
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Is Loose Coupling a Downside of Event-Driven Architecture?

Products & Technology
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The Architect’s Guide to Event-Driven Microservices

For Architects
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How to Enable Any Hybrid Cloud Architecture with Solace and VMware Tanzu

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How to Unlock Low-Latency Microservices with VMware Tanzu and Solace

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How to Maximize Performance and Maintain Agility in PCF with Solace Messaging Appliance


The Solace Message Router Appliance is a high performance hardware-based message broker that supports higher throughput with lower, more predictable latency than any other messaging technology. For use cases where...

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How to Create Production-Ready Microservices with Spring Boot and Cloud Foundry


Solace makes it easy to implement production-ready microservices using Spring Boot and Cloud Foundry. The bane of many developers (including myself) is the inability to inject operating environment properties into...

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New Solace PCF Tile, What’s the Big Deal?!

Products & Technology

Solace recently released a new version of the Solace Messaging Tile for Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF). The Enterprise Edition of the tile supports fault tolerance and high availability, and it...

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Messaging Patterns for Event-Driven Microservices

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