Shawn McAllister

Chief Technology Officer & Chief Product Officer

Shawn McAllister is responsible for the strategy and delivery of the Solace PubSub+ Event Streaming and Management Platform. He leads a team of incredibly talented engineers and architects in this endeavor Shawn has worked with many of our clients to help them adopt event-driven architecture and to learn first-hand their needs as input to the innovation built into the PubSub+ Platform. He has participated in the definition of various OASIS messaging protocol standards, including MQTT 3.1.1, MQTT 5.0, and AMQP1.0.

Before joining Solace, Shawn led software, hardware, and test engineering teams at Newbridge Networks (later Alcatel Canada), where he was responsible for developing features on ATM and Ethernet switches as well as the 7750 Multiservice IP Router. Shawn holds a Bachelor of Mathematics from the University of Waterloo, with majors in both Computer Science and Combinatorics/Optimization.

Shawn McAllister

The Age of the Advanced Event Broker

Products & Technology

Everybody’s talking about events these days—event processing, event streams, event-driven architecture, event mesh, event…ually it’s got to ease up, right? I wouldn’t hold my breath if I were you, because...

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Shawn McAllister

The Long and Winding Road…to Solace Cloud

Products & Technology

Anybody who’s been following Solace for a while knows it really has been a long road to today’s announcement of our new messaging as a service platform called Solace Cloud....

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Shawn McAllister

Solace Pivotal Cloud Foundry Tile is now GA!

Products & Technology

Today our Solace Messaging for PCF Tile is generally available as part of Pivotal Network. Thanks to the PCF Tile format, Cloud Operators can follow the simple installation instructions and...

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Shawn McAllister

How to Achieve Hybrid Cloud with Cloud and On-Premises Integration [Updated 2020]

For Architects

Everybody wants to take advantage of the cloud to save money, make their infrastructure more instantly scalable and make app teams more productive. To realize those benefits you need to...

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Shawn McAllister

Talking Cloud Data Movement with Pivotal


Solace CTO Shawn McAllister sat down for a talk with Pivotal's Jeff Kelly and Dormain Drewitz to discuss the challenges developers face when building data pipelines and message queues in...

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Shawn McAllister

Extending Standards Support by Embracing AMQP 1.0

Products & Technology

Today we announced that we are hard at work building enterprise-grade support for the AMQP 1.0 protocol into our multi-protocol platform, and we expect to deliver a first version in...

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Shawn McAllister

A Message for All Messaging Developers

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Shawn McAllister

Is Big Data Recreating the Messaging Proliferation Problem?

Use Cases
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Shawn McAllister

Could the “Messaging Proliferation” Problem Happen to You?

Use Cases
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Shawn McAllister

How can I integrate Solace with my IBM Environment?

Products & Technology

With the latest version of our firmware, Solace appliances can now integrate directly with DataPower appliances, WebSphere Application Server (WAS) and IBM Integration Broker (IIB), and indirectly with WebSphere MQ...

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Shawn McAllister

Introducing Solace 3500 Series and SolOS 7.0 — Many Big Steps Forward

Products & Technology

Today is an exciting day for us at Solace, and for our customers. This morning we announced a huge step in the evolution of our products with so many improvements...

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Shawn McAllister

Investment Banking and the Middle Office Shock Absorber

Use Cases

Equities trading is the poster child for applications that demand the distribution of lots of data with extremely high performance – latency in the low microseconds, reaching for nanoseconds, and...

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