Swen-Helge Huber headshot

Swen-Helge Huber

Senior Director, Office of the CTO

As a senior director in Solace's office of the CTO, Swen-Helge Huber works with Solace’s API management technology partners to make unified event and API management a reality for our PubSub+ Event Portal customers. He has connected apps, services, data, mobile clients and devices for more than 15 years working for middleware vendors across the event broker, data integration, big data, EAI, SOA and API management spaces.

Swen-Helge Huber headshot

Architectural Patterns for Event APIs and Unified Event & API Management

For Architects

This post explains how API architecture concepts apply to evented APIs, underscoring the significance of context and specificity in event APIs.

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Swen-Helge Huber headshot

The Case for Event APIs and Unified Event & API Management

For Architects

In this article, I will outline the need for event APIs that complement synchronous APIs, and the capabilities developers need to find, understand, and use them.

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Securely Connecting to Solace Cloud from Boomi

For Developers
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Headshot of Ricardo Gomez-UlmkeSwen-Helge Huber headshot

Configuring a Hybrid IoT Event Mesh for Streaming Asset Sensor Data into an Azure Data Lake with Ansible

For Architects
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Swen-Helge Huber headshotHeadshot of Ricardo Gomez-Ulmke

Automating the Configuration of a Hybrid IoT Event Mesh with Ansible


In this article we have seen how we can use the solace-ansible tasks to completely automate the setup of a use case utilising a hybrid event mesh. We have discussed...

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Swen-Helge Huber headshotHeadshot of Ricardo Gomez-Ulmke

Another Way to Use Ansible to Automate the Configuration of Solace PubSub+ Event Broker


Though the PubSub+ Event Broker itself supports a number of configuration options such as a REST API, you still need to implement logic to manage a configuration, apply configurations consistently,...

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Swen-Helge Huber headshotHeadshot of Ricardo Gomez-Ulmke

Designing, Documenting and Testing Event APIs for IoT Platforms

Use Cases

In this article we will dive deeper into how we designed and documented the Event APIs of our IoT reference platform that we outlined in our previous blog post post...

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Headshot of Ricardo Gomez-UlmkeSwen-Helge Huber headshot

Rapid IoT Prototyping with the Bosch XDK110 and an Event Mesh

For Architects

In this article, we will explain our journey of creating a foundation based on the Solace Hybrid IoT Event Mesh concept that allows you to go from a small-scale prototype...

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