Every great “game-changing” scientist needs a lab, right? (remember, madness is in the eye of the beholder…) Well in an attempt to help the big brains who are working to find and refine solutions to data movement challenges, we’ve just introduced Solace Labs.
In today’s technology landscape innovation is fueled by openness – transparent and free-flowing interactions between modern applications, clouds and legacy systems. Such openness can come in the form of APIs, standards and open source, and Solace Labs is set to support all three.
Our goal is to provide open tools and examples that enable flexible, robust and innovative open data movement across existing and emerging technologies alike. Toward that end Solace Labs will promote and facilitate the use of open standards and APIs for the advancement of data movement solutions in areas such as cloud, IoT and big data. Solace Labs will work in conjunction with our new Solace Samples Github repo as well, for even more code access.
Solace Labs offers code-based technology via our repository at GitHub, where you will find projects that support open data movement like the Solace Spring Cloud Connector. Available under the Apache Public License V2, this project extends Spring Cloud Connectors to work with a Pivotal Cloud Foundry Solace Messaging Service Instance. Since it’s open source you can use it freely, extend it as you need and even adapt it to other clouds.
Along with open sourced technology, Solace Labs will provide access to demos, both from Solace and from the community. In line with our vision these demos, whether from Solace itself or developers like you, will be under open source terms. For Solace demos, such as the horizontal scaling demo with Cloud Foundry, we will release them under the Apache V2 license via GitHub so you can clone, fork and improve them. And with other cool demos from developers, the terms will be as they choose. In either case, we’d like to hear how you’d improve them, what things you’d be interested in seeing and of course see your own submissions for our demo showcase. You can reach us via IRC on freenode.net, channel #solace_labs or via email at solacelabs@solace.com.
Along with our direct open source effort, Solace is committed to open standards in messaging and open data movement. Standards and open software APIs enable developers to create the solutions they need with the right tools for the job. We’ve supported open standards like MQTT, REST, JMS and OpenMAMA for a while now, and today announced a strategic commitment to the OASIS standard AMQP 1.0. We look forward to working with the community to improve the open source messaging APIs that support AMQP ubiquitous and easy to use. As we do with OpenMAMA, Solace will work with the Apache Qpid project to advance AMQP as a complete and meaningful standard of choice for enterprise messaging.
Working in conjunction with our developer portal, Solace Labs will help you extend and integrate open data movement technology into your solutions, and allow you to share your results. Our developer portal will continue to be focused on getting you up to speed on our technology, from introduction through use cases and on to implementation.
Solace Labs is your destination to discover and get involved in open data movement. As the leading innovator in all kinds of real-time information sharing, we hope you will join to help innovate and expand the reach of messaging and data movement.
Please grab a beaker and come visit us at Solace Labs, drop into our GitHub repository and let us know what you think on IRC at #solace_labs.
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