Solace + Boomi = event-driven integration for the real-time enterprise

  • Boomi is an industry-leading, cloud-native iPaaS that simplifies front-end data integration, orchestration and transformation so businesses can unify data and achieve initiatives faster.
  • PubSub+ Event Broker is a complete event streaming and event management platform that enables the design, discovery, streaming and full lifecycle management of events across the distributed enterprise.

With PubSub+, JDE can now run twice as many Boomi workers on the same infrastructure”

By handling the real-time delivery of information, PubSub+ has freed their Boomi iPaaS to focus on processing and transforming messages so it can handle way more transactions than before, with fewer resources.

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Stream events across your distributed enterprise

Together, Boomi and Solace PubSub+ provide a cloud-native, enterprise-grade and event-driven integration solution, enabling every person, application and device in an enterprise to be notified when something they are interested in happens, as it happens.

Decoupling of applications for increased agility and robustness: avoid the spaghetti mess of point-to-point connections

With its support for the publish-subscribe messaging pattern, PubSub+ Event Broker enables the decoupling of applications for more efficient and reliable data movement, and an architecture that is easier to manage and scale.

  • One-to-many patterns, push vs. pull
  • Easily add/remove/move/reuse applications in your system without disrupting the system

Real-time event streaming within and across environments (no cloud, hybrid cloud, multi-cloud): move beyond slow and inefficient request-reply/batch processing

PubSub+ Event Broker can be deployed in all your environments (public clouds, private clouds, data center, factory, etc.,) and connect to each other and to Boomi Atoms, creating a dynamic event mesh that will push events from event producing applications to event subscribing applications, as they occur.

  • Atom to Atom event streaming across hybrid and multi-cloud environments
  • Consistent application experience across the distributed enterprise
  • Faster and more consistent response times across the distributed enterprise

Future-proofing for IoT, microservices, ML and more: design your digital transformation to evolve

PubSub+ Event Broker is cloud-agnostic (runs natively in AWS, Azure, GCP, SAP CP) and supports multiple open standard protocols and APIs (MQTT, AMQP, JMS, WebSocket, HTTP/REST) and messaging patterns, providing enterprises with unparalleled flexibility as their technologies and the market evolve.

  • IoT event streaming: stream events from devices and edge gateways to cloud services and data centers
  • IoT command & control: send commands from back-end systems to one or many devices
Hybrid Cloud

Legacy ESB integration or replacement: modernize and consolidate your middleware

Together, Boomi and PubSub+ Event Broker provide all the capabilities and tools enterprises need to integrate or migrate from their legacy ESB (TIBCO BW/EMS, IBM WebSphere/MQ) to a cloud-native integration and data movement solution.

  • Boomi: connectors, data transformation, orchestration, API management
  • PubSub+: event streaming, messaging, event management/governance, event-driven APIs
Internet of Things

Data as a service across LOBs: break down data silos and integrate business processes across geographies

Deploying PubSub+ Event Broker in different lines of business (LOBs) and connecting them to create an event mesh can enable on-demand access to data and events produced by any application in your distributed enterprise.

  • Federated data distribution across globally distributed data centers, clouds and IoT
  • WAN optimization for consistent and reliable performance across long-haul links
  • Integrator of integrators: PubSub+ Event Broker can connect and enable event streaming across multiple iPaaS deployments, container technologies, legacy applications and more

How it works

A diagram showing Boomi's iPaaS and Solace's event broker technology

Boomi Atoms serve as intelligent endpoints, providing data integration services such as content transformation, content-based routing and application connectivity (on-prem, custom cloud apps, and SaaS). And Boomi communicates with Solace using any number of protocols, including JMS, Java, REST and MQTT.

Boomi Names Solace Technology Partner of the Year

We’re proud to be a big part of the iPaaS leader’s drive to enable the real-time event-driven integration that enterprises around the world – including joint customers like JDE – are adopting to optimize efficiencies and leverage automation.

Boomi and Solace offer unique synergies that let our joint customers accelerate their transformation into agile, cloud-first organizations. We’re delighted to partner with Solace to give enterprises access to our market-leading iPaaS technology and reduce the cost and delays of traditional integration.”

David Tavolaro

David Tavolaro

VP of Global Business Development, Boomi

Enterprise-grade features and functionality

With PubSub+ as the data movement backbone for your Boomi integration platform, you’ll benefit from enterprise-grade performance, robustness and security, with support for:

  • Low latency
  • High availability
  • Disaster recovery
  • Elastic scalability
  • Guaranteed delivery
  • WAN optimization
  • Burst-handling
  • Fan-in and fan-out

View Datasheet

  • Asynchronous/synchronous data flow
  • Store and forward
  • Message replay

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