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The world’s best event broker is free!

Choose from two editions:

  • PubSub+ Event Broker Standard Edition is a free, full-featured enterprise-grade event broker that supports pub/sub, queuing, request/reply and streaming, all with built-in high availability.
  • PubSub+ Event Broker Enterprise Edition includes support and unlocks additional performance and throughput.

Try it Now

Run it anywhere

Cloud quick starts and VMs make it easy to deploy PubSub+ Event Broker: Software into cloud and on-prem environments so you can migrate applications and link applications, devices and microservices across hybrid cloud systems.

Run it

You now have an alternative.

Similar to open source, it’s free with optional support. But unlike open source, we expose open protocols such as REST, AMQP, and MQTT native to the broker without gateways and while supporting open source APIs so you avoid lock-in. It’s the same product as our Enterprise edition but with fewer connections and a rate-limit of 10,000 messages/second.

Denis King, CEO

Denis King

CEO, Solace
Use Cases
Messaging Functionality
Max Message Rate
Max Message Spool
Simultaneous Connections
MQTT, REST, JMS, Websockets
Replication for DR
Distributed Tracing 

Standard Edition

Use Cases:Eval, Dev, Prod
Messaging Functionality:Full
Max Message Rate:10,000 messages/second
Max Message Spool:Up to 240M messages or 800GB
Simultaneous Connections:1,000 concurrent connections
MQTT, REST, JMS, Websockets:Yes
Replication for DR:No
Distributed Tracing :Demo, Prod 


Use Cases:Eval, Dev, Prod
Messaging Functionality:Full
Max Message Rate:Unthrottled
Max Message Spool:Up to 3B messages or 6TB
Simultaneous Connections:200,000 concurrent connections
MQTT, REST, JMS, Websockets:Yes
Replication for DR:Yes
Distributed Tracing :Demo, Prod 

And don’t forget to proactively monitor
your event brokers

PubSub+ Monitor keeps your finger on the pulse of mission-critical applications so that you can detect issues before they impact your end-users.

Why PubSub+ Monitor

PubSub+ Distributed Tracing

Observability for your event brokers

Improved troubleshooting and debugging along with ease of integration for application performance monitoring and observability back ends. PubSub+ Distributed Tracing brings telemetry for events into your organization.

Why PubSub+ Distributed Tracing

PubSub+ Event Broker: Software runs natively in the top public clouds

Quick Starts make it easy for apps and microservices in different clouds to exchange information, and to move apps from cloud to cloud without changing code or updating APIs.

IaaS and PaaS Ready

PubSub+ Event Broker: Software is tightly integrated with popular IaaS and PaaS technologies so you can easily deploy and govern messaging services in a wide range of public or private cloud environments.

Integration with hybrid environments and legacy on-prem systems

PubSub+ Event Broker: Software runs on popular container and hypervisor platforms so you can get events and information flowing between applications and microservices running in a diverse array of environments.

Real-time data distribution for event-driven enterprises.​

Download the Software Datasheet