
Jonathan Schabowsky

Field CTO

As Solace’s Field CTO, Jonathan helps companies understand how they can capitalize on the use of event-driven architecture to make the most of their microservices, and deploy event-driven applications into platform-as-a-services (PaaS) environments running in cloud and on-prem environments. He is an expert at architecting large-scale, mission critical enterprise systems, with over a decade of experience designing, building and managing them in domains such as air traffic management (FAA), satellite ground systems (GOES-R), and healthcare.

Based on that experience with the practical application of EDA and messaging technologies, and some painful lessons learned along the way, Jonathan conceived and has helped spearhead Solace’s efforts to create powerful new tools that help companies more easily manage enterprise-scale event-driven systems, including the company’s new event management product: PubSub+ Event Portal.

Jonathan is highly regarded as a speaker on the subject of event-driven architecture, having given presentations as part of SpringOne, Kafka Summit, and API Specs conferences. Jonathan holds a BS Computer Science, Florida State University, and in his spare time he enjoys spending time with his family and skiing the world-class slopes of Utah where he lives.


MuleSoft is Embracing Event-Driven Integration; Here’s Why You Should Too

For Architects

MuleSoft announced support for AsyncAPI and a way of integrating with event brokers. We're glad because our customers have been asking for better event-driven integration capabilities with MuleSoft.

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Comparing MuleSoft Anypoint MQ and Solace PubSub+ Event Broker; Pick the Right Tool for the Job

For Architects

To help you understand how Anypoint MQ and PubSub+ Event Broker compare, I’ll compare them in six areas: connectivity, deployment options, distribution across environments, HA/DR, observability and routing via topics.

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How Event-Driven Integration can De-silo your Data and put it into Motion

For Architects

The 3 steps to embracing event-driven integration: Turn your integration architecture inside out; Build an event mesh that links everything; Give your team self-service access and governance.

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The Case for Event/Stream Management: Maximizing the ROI of Kafka and Event Streaming

For Architects

If you want to seize upon opportunities to get more ROI out of Kafka, you will have to decide if you want to implement the tooling yourself our purchase an...

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Got Kafkatosis? Stop Accepting the Status Quo of Kafka Event Streaming

For Architects

I bet if I asked about the health of your Kafka estate, you’d say: “Everything is fine, not perfect of course but lots of teams are using it, and we...

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Discover, Catalog and Share your Streams on Amazon MSK as Data Products

For Architects

PubSub+ Event Portal makes it easy to design, catalog, and manage Kafka event streams running on Amazon MSK

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How to Harness and Expose the Business Value of Events with Event API Products

For Architects
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Why Architects Need Tools for Apache Kafka Service Discovery, Auditing, and Topology Visualization

For Architects
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Why Microservices Visualization is the Google Maps of Your Microservices Architecture

For Architects

Let’s get back to event-driven microservices. What you need is a visualization tool that lets you map the relationships between your microservices, i.e., what data and schema is transporting your...

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Why Architects Need an Event Portal; Designing a System that Disseminates Real-Time Data

For Architects

Our goal was to create an application that acted as a client to the Feature Service to collect data for the cases for each country and publish to a topic....

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Why You Need More than a Schema Registry to Become an Event-Driven Enterprise

For Architects
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PubSub+ Event Portal Instantiated!

For Architects
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