
Below are some of the highlights from the Solace Developer Community in June:

Solace PubSub+ Event Broker Operator Version 1.0.0

Solace has launched its own Kubernetes Operator. The free Operator makes it easy for users to perform operational tasks by making event broker deployment declarative in a Kubernetes cluster. Read this community post to see the features in the release and know where to get it

Send Spans for Distributed Tracing

In distributed tracing, “send spans” are spans that an event broker generates to record the outcome of an attempt to deliver a message. Receive spans are spans that an event broker generates when it receives and persists a message. Send span capability is now available with PubSub+ Event Broker release 10.4.1!

Send spans, when coupled with receive spans, complete the end-to-end success path use case by enabling the observability of a successfully delivered event’s entry, enqueuing, emission, and receipt of the consumer or downstream broker’s response. Read this community post to learn more.

Additional resource: Distributed Tracing Terminology

Solace Beta Opportunity: Join the Solace Community Kafka Crush!

Interested in testing out and providing feedback on our Integrated Kafka Client Bridge? Good news! The beta version has been included in the 10.4.1 LTS PubSub+ Event Broker release. This feature is designed to simplify the deployment and amplify the benefits of a Kafka Mesh and to enable message translation between Solace and Kafka brokers. We want you to test it in your environment, let us know what works and what doesn’t, and thus help us to ensure the GA release meets your needs! Check out the beta release notes here.

Exporting metrics to 3rd-party monitoring tools with Solace self-contained connectors

In this video below, Andrew MacKenzie, Product Manager, Core Products of Solace, talks about exporting metrics from your Solace self-contained connectors to various 3rd-party monitoring tools using the embedded Micrometer core libraries. If you have any questions for him, leave your comments in the community post.

Exporting metrics to 3rd-party monitoring tools with Solace self-contained connectors

New blog posts by community writers

This month we published the following blog posts by our community writers:

If you are also interested in writing about your project, a use case, or something you are working on or have built using Solace technology and third-party integrations, submit your suggested topics via the Solace Scholars Program.

You Asked, We Answered!

In this section, I’ll review a few questions our community members asked this month that you may be interested in reading about.

  • Community member sjaak sought thoughts from the community on his use case and the possibility of implementing it using PubSub+ without a stateful database component. Christian Holtfurth offered his recommendation for the implementation with Boomi and PubSub+ as well as some additional resources.
  • Community member santhosh wanted to know if there is any limitation to add the remote bridges to the uni-directional bridges. uherbst explained what a bridge is and what a uni-directional bridge is to help the poster to understand the topic.
  • Community member Marsden asked about C#.Net and the connection factory. amackenzie answered the question with a brief introduction of the Solace .Net API and provided a few related links.
  • Community member GreenRover would get an error message every time he used “StreamBridge” when he tried to get “spring-cloud-starter-stream-solace” version 3.0.0 with Spring 3.1.0 running. In his reply, marc answered the question and provided a sample project.

Solly Superstars Developer Champion Program

In mid-November 2022, we announced the launch of Solly Superstars Developer Champion Program.  With the program, we want to recognize and reward our community and build a deeper connection with it. Read the blog post to see how potential Solly Superstars are evaluated, the benefits of becoming a Superstar, and how to apply!

Why should you join the Solace Developer Community?

I strongly encourage you to sign up for the Solace Developer Community if you have not already done so. This way you can not only keep abreast of the latest developments in the community, but also engage with other members by sharing problems or offering solutions.

5 reasons why you should join the solace developer community

Hong Qiu
Hong Qiu

Hong is the Senior Community Manager at Solace, where he is responsible for building and managing the Solace community and creating developer-focused content. Prior to Solace, he spent over 10 years at Adobe managing the Adobe Developer Connection portals and planning, creating, and sourcing content for them. Before Adobe, he was a senior technical writer at Nortel and a technical writer at Cognos (now IBM).