Trusted by the world’s leading organizations

Your Challenge: Processing transactions FAST with accuracy anytime anywhere.

A Payment transaction represents the most frequent touchpoints between a merchant or a bank and its customers. If the transaction comes with any friction, the customer walks away.

A Payments Modern Platform must do the following:

  • Support innovation of new applications and services that will help you retain and acquire customers
  • Support a high volume of transactions in the quickest response time with accuracy
  • Balance transaction authentication and authorization with fraud detection without decreasing customer satisfaction
  • Route events securely across the whole ecosystem with efficiency

Learn how NETS is transforming how payments are made throughout Singapore

Solace technology is helping NETS transform Singapore into a cashless economy

The solution: Modernize your Platform with an Event Mesh powered by PubSub+

Build a new platform  using Event-Driven Architecture with PubSub+

A Solace powered event mesh using a network of PubSub+ event brokers dynamically routes events across the payment ecosystem deployed on-premises, private cloud, and public cloud for faster and more efficient transaction completions. And PubSub+ Event Portal provides you with the tooling you need to govern the event mesh.

Technical Benefits

  • Leverage best of breed tech: Build applications FAST that leverage the best commercially available solution to each problem, whether that’s on-premises software or a cloud-native service
  • Get ready for open banking: Boost your open banking readiness by putting in place a protocol-agnostic and API-friendly data distribution infrastructure
  • Unlock legacy assets: Liberate data locked in legacy core banking systems running on the mainframe by letting them share data with modern applications and microservices
  • Simplify governance: Manage all of your data movement with a single pane of glass so you can more easily ensure that know-your-customer data (for example) only gets to systems authorized to deal with personally identifiable information

Business Benefits

  • Lower cost per transaction: Minimize your WAN costs by moving data to only destinations that want it and without needing to make constant changes as new applications or services are rolled out. Watch Video.
  • Make Payments Faster: Analyze the risk of transactions in real-time, and automate frequent decisions like approving or declining line-of-credit requests, payment plans on purchases, etc.
  • Share institutional knowledge: Unlock the institutional knowledge that makes your business special and put it to new use by making it more readily available for access and analysis
  • Streamline partnerships: Securely offer your products and value propositions through other businesses and payment providers without causing your IT headaches

Why Solace?

Because PubSub+ uses “smart topics” with hierarchy definitions and wildcard filtering to give you the flexibility in application design that you need from a modern event-driven solution.

Watch the video to learn why this matters!

Why Solace? Watch video

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Solace Powers Mobile Payments on Standard Chartered Bank Korea’s Digital Banking Platform

Enabling Modern Digital Retail Banking with Event-Driven Architecture

Learn how retail banks can benefit from EDA - event-driven architecture - and what you need to know about selecting a platform to support your EDA adoption.

The event-driven future is here

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