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White Paper: The Architect's Guide to Event-Driven Architecture

Event enabling your enterprise IT systems can help you say goodbye to unnecessary polling and maintain low latency during unexpected bursts of data.

It can, however, take a bit of guidance to get to the promised land of event-driven architecture in a way that unlocks new value from existing assets, streamlines data sharing across your enterprise, and optimizes business processes.

In this paper, our Chief Technology Solutions Officer Sumeet Puri explains the technical importance and business value of shifting to a real-time, event-driven infrastructure, and lays out a proven 6-step process for achieving success with event-driven architecture. 

Steps to EDA success: 

  1. Developing the Culture, Awareness, and Intent - Move away from procedural thinking.
  2. Identifying Candidates for Real-Time - Not all systems need change.
  3. Build Your Eventing Foundation - Decomposing flows to microservices and implementing new tooling.
  4. Pick a Pilot Application - Determine which flow or process to start with first.
  5. Decompose the Event Flow into Asynchronous, Event-Driven Microservices - Understanding microservice orchestration vs choreography and event sources.
  6. Get a Quick Win - Implementation of new event-driven architecture drives innovation and reuse.