Trusted by the world’s leading organizations

Capital Markets Financial Services Stock Exchanges

London Stock Exchange

LSE Group uses Solace’s platform to provide a high throughput persistent messaging infrastructure for their downstream staging system.


Menards uses Solace technology to distribute real-time data in support of a variety of retail business operations throughout the Midwest.
Energy & Utilities

Mercuria Energy

Mercuria Energy uses Solace PubSub+ appliances to accelerate information flow within their datacenters and over the wide area network which connects them.
Capital Markets Financial Services


The use of Solace messaging appliances has allowed MSCI to maintain its standards for scalability and availability while continuing to meet our needs for future growth.


Solace technology enables the communication of mission critical data as part of the GOES-R weather satellite system, which helps agencies and organizations track, predict and report on weather conditions.
Financial Services Stock Exchanges

National Stock Exchange of India

The National Stock Exchange of India — the leading stock exchange in India and the second largest in the world — uses Solace PubSub+ to stream market data and other information across their operation.
Financial Services


The NETS Group is using Solace's message broker to securely route real-time transaction information and transform Singapore into a cashless economy.
Capital Markets Financial Services

Old Mission

Old Mission uses Solace technology to efficiently stream massive amounts of information in an event-driven manner, even through peak and volatile conditions.
Capital Markets Financial Services


Pico uses Solace appliances as the data distribution infrastructure within their Pico Quantitative Trading platform.
Transportation & Logistics


One of the leading delivery and fulfillment companies in Finland, Sweden and Baltics, Posti has used Solace technology to improve the efficiency of their operations, customer service and satisfaction, and sustainability.
Transportation & Logistics

PSA Singapore

PSA Singapore is using Solace technology to aid in the automation of a new port that will feature automated operations and maintenance activities, including the remote control and diagnostics of equipment.


With PubSub+ Platform as part of their SaaS offering, Qlik can ensure a consistent, low-latency experience for their clients.