
Recomendado por organizações líderes mundiais

Event-driven apps and integrations in days, not weeks

PubSub+ is a new kind of integration and streaming platform, with event-driven architecture at its core.

Message & Stream

Accelerate your business operations and improve situational awareness by streaming real-time data across your organization with the fastest, most feature-rich event broker around.

Learn about PubSub+ Event Broker

PubSub+ Platform
Scale & FederateEvent Mesh
Message & StreamEvent Broker

Scale & Federate

When it’s time to get systems working together across hybrid and multi cloud environments, build an event mesh that dynamically routes information across any distance, no matter what.

Learn about PubSub+ Event Mesh

Connect & Integrate

Integrate your applications and devices with native support for open APIs and protocols, client libraries for popular programming languages, and connectors for applications, cloud services and integration tools.

Access & Govern

Empower developers with self-service access to events from across your enterprise, and manage the lifecycle of event-driven assets from inception to success.

Learn about PubSub+ Event Portal

Observe & Operate

Ensure the availability and responsiveness of all your applications and integrations with a comprehensive set of monitoring, management and observability tools.

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Solace EDA Services



Confie na nossa experiência

Nós ajudamos as empresas a adotar, gerenciar e alavancar a EDA há décadas. Oferecemos serviços especializados em arquitetura, planejamento e implementação que podem ajudá-lo a construir uma base sólida de EDA, enfrentar desafios únicos e atingir metas específicas no prazo e no orçamento.


Solace Services


Construa sua
experiência interna.

Além de documentos detalhados, tutoriais e demonstrações, publicamos metodologias já testadas e as melhores práticas para EDA e microsserviços orientados a eventos, além de oferecermos programas de treinamento tanto gratuitos quanto pagos e certificações de tecnologia Solace.


Consultor de soluções — certificado pela Solace

Consultor de soluções certificado pela Solace

Administrador de broker de eventos

Administrador de broker de eventos certificado pela Solace

Profissional de arquitetura orientado a eventos

Profissional de arquitetura orientado a eventos certificado pela Solace

Consultor de soluções

Consultor de soluções certificado pela Solace

Treinamentos da Solace


Junte-se a uma próspera comunidade EDA

Faça e responda a perguntas, discuta tópicos interessantes com profissionais que estão tratando do mesmo assunto que você e mostre seu trabalho.


The event-driven future is here. What’s holding you back?

Creating Event Driven Applications is hard. There is a lack of tooling to discover, create, share and manage events. There’s no easy way to govern events. DIY solutions are brittle, complex and take up too much of your time. If these are familiar challenges, PubSub+ is going to make your life infinitely better.

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